You want something, go get it.

I saw this and had to say something about it, the reason being is that it is absolutely true. A life without passion, is nothing but a life with a simple meaning. I suppose we never really know what the outcome to our lives are going to be, rather we hope that we've made the decisions to get us in the direction we so hope to go in. I think passion drives us, it ignites the soul to set fire and chase after those desires, and to stop at nothing until you've gotten exactly what you want. As cheesy as it is, you only live once... do you want to sit there, 50 years from now and say ..." I wish I did that." Let your passion take you to places you've always dreamed of going and be sure to document it all along the process. In essence, let no one stand between what you want, and what you could have, because no one should stand between you and your happiness.
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