42 Days, 1017 Hours, 61,015 Minutes

It's exciting to know that in a few short weeks that's where I will get to be and start my career. There is going to be lots of change that I am going to have to get used to, but I'm excited and nervous for all these experiences... but a good nervous.
In any case, someone talked to me today about my hopes and dreams in working in London. Talking about what exactly my competitive advantage is as a person, the fact that I'm competing with people that may be more qualified than me and that it might be a bit of a pipe dream. I suppose I could just give up, move back to Toronto and settle. But that would be such a defeat in life, it would mean that coming out to Victoria and spending all this time and money on a degree was almost worth nothing, to go back to exactly where I came from, in the chapter that I've already written.
I think it's important to be able to challenge yourself, and do something outside your comfort zone. I'm absolutely determined to be apart of a luxury hotel brand or highly rated restaurant, because I know that it where I belong, and would have pride in working there.
All things aside, you have to know where you fit in order to be able to wake up and go to work every morning and believe in where you're working. And that's what I'm chasing after.
In any case, if someone says you can't do something, or your not good enough to do something, prove them wrong. Don't let their arrogance or rude remarks discourage you, but rather inspire you to be your very best.
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