April Showers Bring May Flowers

It's April already?
Seriously, does anyone else feel like that yesterday was January 1st, and then you blinked and it brought you to this present moment?
Well, I totally feel like that is what has happened. It seems like every week, there is something due, some project, some paper, some presentation, that literally makes the time fly by. Though I'm not really complaining, it actually makes me very nervous, as I am still without a job for London.
Oh, I should also mention that I decided it would be a great idea to book my flight to London, before having a job, and a place to live... but details, details.
In all honesty, I have been interviewing for a few different places, and have applied to as many places as possible, however, I'm still waiting for that phone call - but, it will come, I know it will.
Besides the stress of finding a job in London for the end of May, I do have one thing to look forward to through all this craziness- I have planned an impromptu visit back to the beautiful city of Toronto. Though it wasn't the best financial decision I have made, I've also decided I miss my family and my close friends way to much to go without them until Christmas. You know, I see myself as this very strong and independent person, and I know in other posts I talk about the importance of fighting for what you want, and to never give up-- but this time, the idea of going back to Toronto for a few days, literally keeps me sane. Though Victoria is a beautiful city and it's own new experience, I knew coming here this wasn't 100% of what I wanted, I wanted to travel and I knew I had to get my degree first before doing anything like that, because once I took a break from school, I know I wouldn't return for a while.
So I packed my suitcase, got on a place and showed up in Langford, BC- definitely not my idea of a 'new and interesting' adventure. However, I'm so blessed to be here, and couldn't be happier that I have made the commitment to do this, I just cannot stress enough the idea that you need to do things that keep you sane and happy and motivated. And if that means an $800 purchase on your Visa card to worry about later- then so be it. Family is too important to skip out on. I am only as old as my experiences and well, this is a pretty big one to be going through.
Now, it may also be a concern that I won't be able to handle moving to London, but I really don't see it as being an issue, I've wanted nothing more than to set foot into Europe, let alone London for the last 3 years of my life, and there is a difference between doing something you want, and doing something because you know you have to.
Well, as April creeps up beside me, it's full swing into absolutely whirlwind craziness, about 50 or so days left in the program, so there is lots to do between now and May 24, when I fly out to London.
Hopefully April brings us lots of sunshine here on the west coast, I wouldn't mind spending a little more time outside.
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