Final Call for Flight # VS96
Wow. I've made it successfully to YVR (Vancouver International) and it's such a surreal moment. I can't believe after all this time, I am actually on my way to London. I feel like it's one of those situations where you say it and say it, but never do it.. But I have always been one of those people who do what they say. So in about 4 hours, I fly off to London, UK.
Words cannot express the feeling that I have right now- but just to give you a sample- excited, nervous, anxious, accomplished, dis-belief, happiness, gratitude... and everything else in between. You know, I cannot thank all the people who have supported me through this crazy journey. I have the best friends, family, classmates and colleagues that anyone could ask for. It takes a lot of guts to pick up your life and move it to another country, but you know what- who would I be without such big adventures. As my friend described my life - I go through without any parachutes- well, I definitely didn't have room to pack one this time. You have to do something- all or nothing, and I don't think there was ever an in between option for moving to London. It is what I've wanted for a long time, and tomorrow marks the first day of the adventure.
Though it has only just begun, there is also the factor to consider of... I still don't have job, so that is something I will be diligently working towards next Tuesday, when I play something described to me as " Hotel Roulette". Should be interesting!
I should let you all know that my blog name will be changing and may be slightly "under construction" until my friend makes me a new banner for it! West Coasting will be moving on to it's new identity Kaleidoscope Thought. Name to be explained later!
Well, I suppose the next time you will be hearing from me , will be once I arrive in London. Until then... Cheerio! (They still say that right?)
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