A few weeks ago I had a conversation on life with one of my friends from school. We talked about literally everything while we sat in Starbucks one evening sipping my favourite vanilla earl grey tea latte. What stroke me most was the part of the conversation where we talked about how our life goals are somewhat situated on a mountain top. Sounds weird, but here me out. The idea of the mountain is that it is not a straight journey to the top because at some point you will find small plateaus to rest on as your venture to the top.

We said that the small plateaus represented your short term goals and ultimately, your biggest goal was the peak of your mountain. This week I was in Whistler, BC and I stared at these mountains that captured my innate attention and they kept me dreaming. We had the opportunity to walk around the Four Seasons Hotel in Whistler and something changed for me. I found one of my plateaus to reach towards, near the top of my mountain. I have small goals. London next May for a well deserved 9 or 10 day vacation. Malaysia for a 3-6 month internship or job placement and then London, for a year or possibly two experience within the hotel industry. Theses are just a few of the stops on the side of my mountain.

What the next stops are after that almost seem too far away to dream of right now. But it is now certain I want to work for a company like the Four Seasons or maybe even work for the Four Seasons. They stand by a great values system that I would love to be a part of. In any case, this whole mountain analogy from a few weeks earlier had me thinking the whole time. And it just makes sense. For some people there peak is love and marriage and a family, and for others it is a specific career goal. Right now, I'm still trying to decide what mine will be, but I know it will be something great.
Will post pictures and more Whistler/Vancouver information tomorrow, or sometime soon.
Find out what inspires you to reach to the top of your mountain and figure out how to get there.
With love,
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