
Where has the time gone? The summer has flown by and it's now been just over three months here in the UK. So far the experience has been a bit of a roller coaster, many highs and a few low's but nothing I regret, that's forsure!

At the moment myself and a colleague are moving in together and are scrambled to find a third flat mate as our original person backed out on us a few days ago. I am a person of plan and structure and when you pull the rug out from underneath me like that, oh my do I get stressed! In good news, there are a few interests today, so I am hoping once they view the flat that I will be no longer stressed as of this evening! 

If it doesn't work out unfortunately my friend and I will be forced to find something temporary that will most likely be way too small and expensive. So I am hoping and more determined than anything that is will work out, as it always does.

The last week in London has really been a low point for me to be honest. I've been frustrated with work and really stressed out with this whole flat mate situation that I caught myself asking, why did I come here? I am still serving and living in a very expensive city, having to make new relationships with people, while all of this I could have done in Toronto... With this being said, I have to remind myself during a time like this, that London was a city I dreamed of being in, and getting opportunities like working at The Savoy and building new relationships that would be crucial to the enjoyment of being in London and crucial to my career. So sometimes when the going get's tough and I want to back out, it's the reminder of why I came here that, that keeps me some what sane.

I am positive that once the flat mate situation is sorted things with get better. But work needs to change a bit as well. And as a team we all recognize that and I hope that we will move forward to do that. So there is a positive future in the distance, but sometimes you have to get the rain before you see the rainbow... right?

Saturday will be very exciting as Nicole and I will move into the flat and finally have a place that will be ours and get us feeling a little more settled in London, something I look forward too. So keep your fingers crossed for us please!

On a side note, I look forward to the next three months here in London as we start to gear up for the busy season at the hotel and my brother's girlfriend plans to visit at the end of October. 


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