Distance. You either accept it or resent it, but it is always something that will be apart of your life. Unfortunately, the distance between me and my family has made the last few days a big challenge. On Sunday one of my family members passed away, unexpected, it shocked me and has had me thinking- distance effects us more than we ever expect it to.
Yesterday when I found out Jim had passed away, I was over come with shock, I couldn't believe that uncle Jim wouldn't be around next time I visited Canada, and most of all, I can't even imagine the pain my cousin and her family is feeling.
As I walked out of the hotel yesterday afternoon, the air was cold but the sun was shining, a typical day in London, but as I walked through Embankment Gardens I noticed a stunning picture before me, a beautiful woman standing in her wedding dress, getting photos taken- today was the happiest day of her life- when yesterday for me, was a sad day in mine.
It's a bit ironic how it can be the best day for someone but the worst day for someone else, it's like there almost has to be some sort of balance in the world so we can all keep moving forward.
As I sat on the tube, staring as the stops went by, the short distance I had to travel to my home in London, I couldn't help but be angry with myself for being so far away in a time like this. Though it was my choice to leave Toronto, and I knew these situations would come about, it's even harder going through them on your own when you know your family needs you the most.
The five thousand, seven hundred and ten kilometers between me and London, might as well have been the distance between me and Mars. I couldn't help but feel further away during moments like these.
It's a challenge to miss these things, and other events like friends weddings, or families birthdays but I suppose there is always an opportunity cost to everything. Though I wasn't close to Jim, I am sad he left the world 62 years young, and hope that my family realizes that heaven gained another angel, or that he is in a better place.
Distance will tear you apart or bring you together, it's how you choose to deal with it.
Missing my family and friends in Toronto today, but am glad I have such amazing people and the best boyfriend I could ask for in London.
There's an upside to every situation.
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