Six Months Later...
Today, November 25, 2012 marks the six month of my life here in London, United Kingdom. They say it takes about six months for someone to adjust to a new place. I'd absolutely find this to be true.
In the last six months I have never learned more, scene more or felt more in my entire life.
There is so much that has happened to me and it truly has made me grow as a person. When I think back to the first day I arrived in London, over tired from a long flight from the west coast, surprised by the sunshine - it was all such a nostalgic experience. I had finally stepped foot into the country I was longing to be in for weeks, months and years.
As the nostalgia wore off and the reason became ultimately clear as to why I even came here in the first place, things got difficult. But ofcourse, through the trails and tribulations of our natural everyday life, I see the sheer importance and reason why I am still here, sticking it out, paving my own way and having as much fun as possible.
With 8.1 million people in London, it's sometimes hard to find yourself. There are so many people around, but you can sometimes feel like it's just you in a crowded room. The more you realize this, the more you have to understand that, to put yourself out there and be vulnerable opens doors, creates conversations and introduces you to people that you wouldn't otherwise meet if you just stuck inside your comfort zone.
Part of moving across the Atlantic ocean was to push myself to my limit, go outside my comfort zone and challenge myself to do better, and be better.
It has been a learning curve, but a good one. I'm proud of the things I've done and accomplished and still working towards.I have a few personal goals I am working towards, and am determined to meet them in the next two months. I've realized that the more effort you put into anything, the better outcome you get from it.
London has been an incredible experience. There has been plently of ups and downs, but I'm excited for all that is to come. In about 3 weeks I celebrate my 21st birthday with some great people I've had the pleasure to meet while living abroad.
More good things are to come, can't wait for it.
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