February Air

February, the shortest month of the year, and I'm totally feeling it! Lots is going on at school, group projects and presentations and individual assignments, all coming to be due in the next two weeks or so.
I can't believe how quickly things are going by. It sort of feels like last week I arrived on the west coast. However, that was months ago. There is also about 96 days left until school ends on May 25, 2012. Ninety- six days seems like so little, like in an instant, it will all be gone.
To be honest, I can't wait for all this to finish, I need a break from academic life! I feel like I've been in school for the last 15 years.. oh wait, I have! I am very much looking forward to jumping into my career, and am even more excited that it is happening in London, United Kingdom.
It all sort of seems crazy to me, I feel like I've been talking about London for 2 or 3 years now, it's had this nostalgia about it that I just can't wait to discover, but I'll let you in on a little secret... I'm terrified! But it's a good terrified, I believe doing something that scares the hell out of you is the only way to do anything at all.
Being out here on the west coast scared the hell out of me, and though it's been a bit of a wild ride, I wouldn't change it for the world.
Most recently, I've found myself a west coast beau and he's exactly what I need. The perfect amount of serious and kidding in the same moment, the best part of sweet and sexy and of course, the most ideal distraction when all this school stuff just gets to be too much.
Though some may see it as pointless to have a love interest when all I am doing is leaving, I guess my thoughts are, you never know what tomorrow's going to bring you, so embrace here and now, because it could all end, and if you don't spend your life living for something, you'll die for nothing.
So as the February air clouds my head, I can't say anything more than I'm content with where I am and am also excited to see this all through.
"Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" - Forest Gump - both fitting for the month of February and my current feelings about all of this.
P.s Wild Ones by Flo Rida is stuck on repeat, I LOVE this song! Check it out :)
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