When I let my life speak, it says...

When I let my life speak, it says:
You have suffered though things in your life that could have been prevented. You have been in the weakest moments of your life, alone; but some how managed to get though them.
Through all of this, you've placed all your goals in a straight line and plan to execute them, one after the next.
When I let my life speak, it says:
It screams determination, talks of love and commitment and it whispers it's insecurities.
When I let my life speak, it says:
It dreams of imagination.
It pours it's heart out on the table.
And it longs to be loved by somebody other than me.
When I let my life speak, it says:
It reminds me where I've come from and who has touched my life; even if it was just once.
When I let my life speak, it says:
I remember my ambitiousness, my thirst for culture and my love for people, places and opportunities.
When I let my life speak, it says:
It brings me to this very moment, that I'm so completely in love with... today.
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